目前主持的科研课题: 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41302223、基于卸荷作用的深部围岩拉伸蠕变损伤演化机理及本构模型研究、2014/01-2016/12、27万元、结题、主持。 2. 重庆市科委基础与学科前沿项目,cstc2013jcyjA90004、基于能量损耗的深部页岩卸荷流变机理及模型研究、2014/01-2016/12、5万元、结题、主持。 3. 重庆市博士后科研项目特别资助项目,Xm2014033、高水压作用下深井围岩流变损伤特性研究、2014/09-2015/12、10万元、结题、主持。 4. 重庆市科委基础与学科前沿项目,cstc2016jcyjA10074、高地应力与高温耦合作用下深部盐岩流变损伤特性研究、2016/06-2019/06、5万元、在研、主持。 5. 重庆市国土房屋科技计划项目,KJ-2015047,重庆深部页岩气井壁围岩流变特性及破坏机制研究,2015/06-2017/12,33.48万、结题、主持2。 6.重庆市高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划推荐项目,高地应力高水压耦合作用下井壁页岩缩颈破坏机理研究,2016/09-2019/09,6万元,已结题,主持。 7.陕西省油气井及储层渗流与岩石力学重点实验室开放基金,流固耦合作用下深井页岩强度劣化及破坏机理研究,201901-2012012,4万,主持。 主要研究成果 1)学术论著及教材 1.赵宝云著,《岩石拉压蠕变特性研究及其在大型地下工程中的应用》,武汉大学出版社,2015. 2.刘保县,舒志乐,赵宝云等编.《土力学与地基基础》,重庆大学出版社,2015. 2)发表性学术论文 1. Baoyun Zhao, Nianchun Xu, Ziyun Li, and Tongqing Wu, Research on Construction Optimization of Three-Connected-Arch Hydraulic Underground Cavities Considering Creep Property, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 967975, 11 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/967975.(SCI检索) 2. Baoyun Zhao, Dongyan Liu, Yingren Zheng, Qian Dong. Secondary Development and Slope Application discussion of the Non-Linear Visco-Elastic Plastic Creep Model in Flac3D Software [J]. Disaster Advances, 2012, 5(4): 937-843.(SCI检索) 3. Baoyun Zhao, Dongyan Liu, Tianzhu Huang, Wei Huang, and Wei Liu. Mechanical Behavior of Red Sandstone under Incremental Uniaxial Cyclical Compressive and Tensile Loading [J]. Shock and Vibration,Article ID 4350437, Volume 2017 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/4350437.(SCI检索) 4. Baoyun Zhao, Wei Huang, Zhile Shu, Mengmeng Han, and Yanbo Feng. Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Creep Behavior of Bayer Red Mud[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering,Volume 2018, Article ID 6327971, 9 pages.https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/6327971.(SCI检索) 5. Baoyun Zhao, Dongyan Liu, Ziyun Li, Wei Huang, and Qian Dong. Mechanical Behavior of Shale Rock under Uniaxial Cyclic Loading and Unloading Condition[J].Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 9750480, 8 pages.https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9750480.(SCI检索) 6. Baoyun Zhao, Dongyan Liu,Wei Liu. Mechanical behavior of sandstone under uniaxial constant cyclical compressive and tensile loading[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences,(2018) 11: 490. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-018-3845-3(SCI检索) 7. Baoyun Zhao, Dongyan Liu, Bin Jiang. Soil Conditioning of Waterless Sand–Pebble Stratum in EPB Tunnel Construction[J]. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,(2018) 36: 2495. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-018-0478-y.(EI检索) 8. Baoyun Zhao, Yang Liu, Tianzhu Huang, Xiaoping Wang. Experimental Study on Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Rock-concrete Composite Specimens under Compressive Condition[J]. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,2018, (DOI: 10.1007/s10706-018-00787-9)(EI检索) 9. Baoyun Zhao*; Dongyan Liu; Qian Dong, Experimental research on creep behaviors of sandstone under uniaxial compressive and tensile stresses, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2011.12.28, 3: 438-444. 10.赵宝云,刘东燕 ,黄伟 ,刘伟 ,黄天柱 ,陈超.压−拉循环荷载作用下红砂岩蠕变特性[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2018,(49)8:2058-2066.(EI检索) 3)授权发明专利 1. 赵宝云等.一种山区路基抢修的方法,发明专利授权、授权号:201310285423.8 2. 赵宝云等.杠杆式岩石拉伸压缩流变试验仪,发明专利授权、授权号:2012105650685 3. 赵宝云等.无水卵石回填地层盾构壁后注浆材料,发明专利授权、授权号:2016105642507 4. 赵宝云等.地下洞室相似模拟试验系统,发明专利授权、授权号:2015109095016 5. 赵宝云等.内置式岩样内孔径向变形测试装置,发明专利授权、授权号:2016111760958 |